Sunday, April 6, 2014

Website Redesign


The big thing I worked on in the week leading up to the client meeting with Nikan was website flow and user experience. I decided that since the website is based around gamifying carbon emissions tracking, the theme should be consistent with this vision. After talking with my group members about this, we all agreed that this would be a good idea for several reason. However, because of this redesign, there will be some other issues to overcome that I image Dave will address in this week client meeting. I part of this week has been, in addition to implementing the guiders and making the user experience more enjoyable, I have been trying to think of ways that we can justify or redesign to Ackley in the hopes that we wont be caught quite as unprepared as we were with our most recent meeting with him.
The following sections will describe some of the potential pros and cons to the redesign we have implemented in the hopes that we can find a good way to justify the redesign.

Redesign Pros

The user experience will be much better because, not only does the new theme work well with this, but also because we now have something that an audience will hopefully be able to better identify themselves with.

Redesign Cons

The theme is one in which you become part of an alliance to combat the evil "Big Petroleum" by tracking your carbon emissions. Because of this theme, and the artwork, it may be the case that we are now marketing to a niche group and will therefore not as accessible to some users.


Leading up to this client meeting, we have decided that it is important for us to meet up and present. It is likely that I will be presenting most of it since I am in a sense the letter and that seems to be the group consensus, however, we will all be participating in the practice presentation process, while simultaneously attempting to address these and other issues as we come across them. Hopefully this added preparation will be beneficial. I imagine it's better than doing nothing though.

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