Sunday, May 11, 2014

Practice Pitch Reaction

The pitch has evolved quite a bit since the first practice pitch. At first it was mainly me talking and Justin going into detail about some of the features and while it wasn't terrible, it definitely needed work. The second pitch was similar in that I was doing a lot of talking, but it had more of a "hey, invest in us" feel to it. We got a lot of good feed back and one of the better things we changed about this last one was that everyone should be involved in pitching our app. After all, I wasn't the only one writing code. It also makes the pitch more personal in some ways since everyone has some input and that will hopefully help the audience to respond in a more positive way. We got the intro down to about four minutes I think and with some minor modification on my part, we should do well. I definitely noticed that I was speaking a little too fast at the beginning which will make our audience feel a little anxious so my main goal is to practice a bit more, focusing on keeping a calm and smooth pace throughout my part. That being said, our team has really come together to make this happen and I was fortunate to work with a very competent group of developers.

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