Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Closing thoughts

This semester has been a handful and this class in particular has been one of much growth. I have had to assume the role as lead of a group of very skill programmers. Arguably, more skilled and certainly more experienced than myself. Because of this I had to adapt and take on challenges that I didn't imagine I would be faced with going into the semester. It was difficult at times but everyone managed to work well together.

One of the things I've felt was an important quality in a leader was someone that would give people a general idea but would lead them work autonomously so as not to inhibit creativity. Looking back on this experience, I realize that this might not have been the way to go. About halfway through, I realized I needed to stop being everyone's friend and be their leader. I wish I had this same opinion going into the project but maybe that's a lack of experience on my part; this is likely the case.

On the brighter side, I think our team was able to make a legitimate software product and at the vary least, it is a stepping stone to much larger things. We came together when it mattered and although we didn't always see eye to eye, no conflicts ensued. As for being a leader, I've learned a lot about what that really means this semester and that's probably something I really needed. There are things I could have done better, but this is probably always going to be the case. I think in the end I worked with a very talented group of developers and they taught me a lot and I hope they got something out of working with me, although I can't really speak for them. I would say this semester has been one of ups and downs, mostly ups and in all, a success.


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