Monday, February 17, 2014

Project Selection Reaction

I was very surprised and a little nervous that my project was selected. I was surprised in the sense that there were so many good projects to choose from and because of this, I was quite flattered that mine got considered as much as it did. I am nervous because now I feel even more responsible for helping my team succeed in accomplishing our goals. Considering it is my proposal, I am also on some level the team leader since I have the most knowledge in this subject. (Which isn't saying a whole lot at this point.)

The nice thing is that I have a strong team to help me in this project. I have worked with David Lochridge in 351 and so I already have an idea of what to expect from him. He is very hard working and I am excited to get to work with him again.

I haven't worked with Justin before nor Trent but both of them have reputations for being good programmers and smart people so I am also very humbled and feel like in some ways I might be the weakest link. I hope that this since of humility will allow me to do an even better job of helping the team and will motivate me to try even hard so that we may succeed this semester.

While I may not have as much experience as Justin, David or Trent, I am confident that my work ethic and dedication will make up for any deficiencies I may have in terms of coding ability. I also feel that I have certain characteristics that will help me to be a good leader. Not to say that I AM the leader but it feels somewhat implied seeing as this was the project I suggested. I am excited to have the opportunity to be working with people that I respect and feel that I stand to learn a lot this semester.

In all, I would say that so far the team I am a part of will meet all of the attributes I describe in my post about ideal team attributes, although this remains to be seen.

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