Friday, February 7, 2014

Design Pattern Response

One thing I found interesting while reading the Wikipedia article is that very abstract concepts like concurrency also have design pattern principals applied to them to describe recurring things. The one I found very interesting was the idea of a Scheduler.

So what exactly is a scheduler? 


The scheduler pattern is an object that explicitly sequences waiting threads.

What is good about this pattern?

It allows for many different programs sharing limited CPU time and space, to be scheduled, and have their code executed. It is also designed without a specific scheduling policy, which allows the implementer of this pattern to design the policy based on the situation.

What is bad  about a scheduler?

According to Wikipedia, this design pattern comes with significant overhead, which may be undesirable depending on situation.

I am having a difficult time trying to think of ways to attack the scheduler pattern since it doesn't seem like multitasking operating systems would exist without the concept of a scheduler. Then again, I'm sure there is some crazy alternative that I am unaware of that would totally blow the scheduler away?

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